Jenny Arendholz
English Syntax
Basic Facts and In-Depth Analyses
25,99 €
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Das Lehrbuch ist eine anschaulich verfasste Einführung in die Syntax des Englischen mit vollständigen Analysen, Merksätzen, Schaubildern und einem umfangreichen Übungskapitel. Studierenden wird sowohl ein Einstieg in die Materie geboten, als auch eine Basis zur Prüfungsvorbereitung. Dozierende können dieses Lehrbuch als Grundlage für Syntaxkurse aller Schwierigkeitsgrade verwenden.
English Syntax – Basic Facts and In-Depth Analyses ist ein kritisches, auf der Quirk’schen Konstituentengrammatik basierendes und überaus anschaulich verfasstes Einführungswerk zur Syntax des Englischen. Es bietet viele vollständige Beispielanalysen, Merksätze, Schaubilder und Tabellen, sowie ein umfangreiches Übungskapitel. Zusammen mit Studierenden verfasst, schafft das Buch den Brückenschlag zwischen meist unübersichtlichen Grammatiken auf der einen und knappen Lösungsheftchen zu alten Prüfungsaufgaben auf der anderen Seite. Das Buch wendet sich an Studierende, die sich mit der Materie vertrauter machen oder sich auf Prüfungen (auch auf das Staatsexamen) vorbereiten wollen. Dozierende können dieses Lehrbuch als Grundlage für Syntaxkurse aller Schwierigkeitsgrade verwenden, da es systematisch alle zentralen Themen (u.a. Nebensätze, coordination und apposition) bespricht und anwendet.
Chapter 1: Basic Introduction and Syntactic Functions
1.1 Some Structural Facts and Layout Conventions
1.2 The Seven Syntactic Functions
1.3 Tricky Business: Oi vs. Oprep
Chapter 2: The Internal Structure of Phrases
2.1 Characteristic Features of Phrases
2.2 The Noun Phrase (NP)
2.3 The Adjective Phrase (AdjP) and the Adverb Phrase (AdvP)
2.4 The Verb Phrase (VP)
2.5 The Prepositional Phrase (PP)
2.6 Tricky Business
2.6.1 Nouns in the Premodifier Slot of NPs
2.6.2 Embedding
2.6.3 Complementation
2.6.4 Complex Determinatives
Chapter 3: Word Classes
3.1 Nouns
3.2 Adjectives and Adverbs
3.3 Adjectives vs. Adverbs
3.4 Pronouns and Determiners
3.5 Pronouns vs. Determiners
3.6 Prepositions and Conjunctions
3.7 Prepositions vs. Subordinating Conjunctions
3.8 Adverbs vs. Subordinating Conjunctions
3.9 Numerals
3.10 Words of Unique Function
3.11 Tricky Business
3.11.1 some as an adverb
3.11.2 Change of word class
Chapter 4: The Verb
4.1 Distinction According to Word Class
4.1.1 Full Verbs
4.1.2 Modal Auxiliary Verbs
4.1.3 A Special Case of Modals: Catenative Verb Constructions
4.1.4 Primary Verbs
4.2 Copular Verbs
4.3 Multi-Word Verbs
4.3.1 Phrasal Verbs
4.3.2 Prepositional Verbs
4.3.3 Phrasal-Prepositional Verbs
4.3.4 Detection Rules
Chapter 5: An Introduction to Complex Sentences
5.1 Clauses vs. Phrases
5.2 Sentences and Clause Combinations
5.3 Subordinate Clauses
5.3.1 Nominal Clauses
5.2.2 Adverbial Clauses
5.4 Embedded Clauses
5.5 Summary: Syntactic Functions of Dependent Clauses
Chapter 6: Finite Clauses
6.1 Adverbial Clauses
6.2 Wh-Clauses
6.3 That-Clauses
6.4 Attributive Relative Clauses
6.5 Nominal Relative Clauses
6.6 Sentential Relative Clauses
6.7 Comparative Clauses
6.8 Tricky Business: Is that a Problem?
Chapter 7: Non-Finite and Verbless Clauses
7.1 -ing-Participle Clauses
7.1.1 Subordinate -ing-Participle Clauses
7.1.2 Attributive -ing-Participle Clauses
7.2 -ed-Participle Clauses
7.2.1 Subordinate -ed-Participle Clauses
7.2.2 Attributive -ed-Participle Clauses
7.3 to-Infinitive Clauses
7.3.1 Subordinate to-Infinitive Clauses
7.3.2 Attributive to-Infinitive Clauses
7.4 Bare-Infinitive Clauses
7.5 Verbless Clauses
7.6 Tricky Business
7.6.1 Catenative Verbs and Non-Finite Forms
7.6.2 Gradience of Non-Finite Clauses
Chapter 8: Apposition
8.1 Definition and Terminology
8.2 Different Forms of Apposition
8.2.1 Phrasal Apposition
8.2.2 Clausal Apposition
8.3 Indicators of Apposition
8.4 Tricky Business
8.4.1 The Appositive of-Phrase
8.4.2 Distinguishing Apposition from Coordination
Chapter 9: Coordination
9.1 Terminology and Basic Structures
9.2 Coordinators
9.3 Types of Coordination
9.4 The Analysis of Coordination
9.4.1 The Ellipsis Strategy
9.4.2 The Conjoint Strategy
9.4.3 The Shift Strategy
9.4.4 Detection Rules
Chapter 10: Means of Emphasis and Other Deviating Sentence Patterns
10.1 Theme and Rheme
10.2 Fronting and Inversion
10.3 Cleft Sentences Proper and Pseudo-Cleft Sentences
10.4 Extraposition of Clausal Subjects or Objects
10.5 Existential Constructions
Chapter 11: Practice Makes Perfect
11.1 Easy sentences
11.2. Moderate sentences
11.3 Difficult sentences
Dr. Jenny Arendholz lehrt synchrone Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachpraxis des Englischen an der LMU München.
Chapter 1: Basic Introduction and Syntactic Functions
1.1 Some Structural Facts and Layout Conventions
1.2 The Seven Syntactic Functions
1.3 Tricky Business: Oi vs. Oprep
Chapter 2: The Internal Structure of Phrases
2.1 Characteristic Features of Phrases
2.2 The Noun Phrase (NP)
2.3 The Adjective Phrase (AdjP) and the Adverb Phrase (AdvP)
2.4 The Verb Phrase (VP)
2.5 The Prepositional Phrase (PP)
2.6 Tricky Business
2.6.1 Nouns in the Premodifier Slot of NPs
2.6.2 Embedding
2.6.3 Complementation
2.6.4 Complex Determinatives
Chapter 3: Word Classes
3.1 Nouns
3.2 Adjectives and Adverbs
3.3 Adjectives vs. Adverbs
3.4 Pronouns and Determiners
3.5 Pronouns vs. Determiners
3.6 Prepositions and Conjunctions
3.7 Prepositions vs. Subordinating Conjunctions
3.8 Adverbs vs. Subordinating Conjunctions
3.9 Numerals
3.10 Words of Unique Function
3.11 Tricky Business
3.11.1 some as an adverb
3.11.2 Change of word class
Chapter 4: The Verb
4.1 Distinction According to Word Class
4.1.1 Full Verbs
4.1.2 Modal Auxiliary Verbs
4.1.3 A Special Case of Modals: Catenative Verb Constructions
4.1.4 Primary Verbs
4.2 Copular Verbs
4.3 Multi-Word Verbs
4.3.1 Phrasal Verbs
4.3.2 Prepositional Verbs
4.3.3 Phrasal-Prepositional Verbs
4.3.4 Detection Rules
Chapter 5: An Introduction to Complex Sentences
5.1 Clauses vs. Phrases
5.2 Sentences and Clause Combinations
5.3 Subordinate Clauses
5.3.1 Nominal Clauses
5.2.2 Adverbial Clauses
5.4 Embedded Clauses
5.5 Summary: Syntactic Functions of Dependent Clauses
Chapter 6: Finite Clauses
6.1 Adverbial Clauses
6.2 Wh-Clauses
6.3 That-Clauses
6.4 Attributive Relative Clauses
6.5 Nominal Relative Clauses
6.6 Sentential Relative Clauses
6.7 Comparative Clauses
6.8 Tricky Business: Is that a Problem?
Chapter 7: Non-Finite and Verbless Clauses
7.1 -ing-Participle Clauses
7.1.1 Subordinate -ing-Participle Clauses
7.1.2 Attributive -ing-Participle Clauses
7.2 -ed-Participle Clauses
7.2.1 Subordinate -ed-Participle Clauses
7.2.2 Attributive -ed-Participle Clauses
7.3 to-Infinitive Clauses
7.3.1 Subordinate to-Infinitive Clauses
7.3.2 Attributive to-Infinitive Clauses
7.4 Bare-Infinitive Clauses
7.5 Verbless Clauses
7.6 Tricky Business
7.6.1 Catenative Verbs and Non-Finite Forms
7.6.2 Gradience of Non-Finite Clauses
Chapter 8: Apposition
8.1 Definition and Terminology
8.2 Different Forms of Apposition
8.2.1 Phrasal Apposition
8.2.2 Clausal Apposition
8.3 Indicators of Apposition
8.4 Tricky Business
8.4.1 The Appositive of-Phrase
8.4.2 Distinguishing Apposition from Coordination
Chapter 9: Coordination
9.1 Terminology and Basic Structures
9.2 Coordinators
9.3 Types of Coordination
9.4 The Analysis of Coordination
9.4.1 The Ellipsis Strategy
9.4.2 The Conjoint Strategy
9.4.3 The Shift Strategy
9.4.4 Detection Rules
Chapter 10: Means of Emphasis and Other Deviating Sentence Patterns
10.1 Theme and Rheme
10.2 Fronting and Inversion
10.3 Cleft Sentences Proper and Pseudo-Cleft Sentences
10.4 Extraposition of Clausal Subjects or Objects
10.5 Existential Constructions
Chapter 11: Practice Makes Perfect
11.1 Easy sentences
11.2. Moderate sentences
11.3 Difficult sentences
Dr. Jenny Arendholz lehrt synchrone Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachpraxis des Englischen an der LMU München.
ISBN | 978-3-8252-5655-5 |
EAN | 9783825256555 |
Bibliographie | 1. Auflage |
Seiten | 360 |
Format | kartoniert |
Ausgabename | 45655 |
Auflagenname | -11 |
Herausgeber:in | Jenny Arendholz |
Erscheinungsdatum | 14.02.2022 |
Lieferzeit | 2-4 Tage |