Kirsten Birsak de Jersey
English in Inclusive Multilingual Preschools
Researching the Potential of a Teacher Education Model for In-Service Teachers
62,40 €
inkl. MwSt.
The study addresses the question of how preschool teachers who work in regular state inclusive preschools can be qualified to teach English as a foreign language. Through the longitudinal case study, which followed the principles of participatory action research, substantial insights were gained which can be transferred to other pre-primary contexts.
Die Studie bearbeitet die Frage, wie Pädagog:innen, die in regulären staatlichen inklusiven Einrichtungen des Elementarbereiches arbeiten, angemessen für frühes Fremdsprachenlernen qualifiziert werden können. Hierzu wurde ein praxis- und kontextorientiertes Lehrerbildungsmodell entwickelt. Es wurde vor Ort durchgeführt und folgte einem partizipativen Aktionsforschungsdesign zur Förderung der Reflexionspraxis. Die Forschung zeigt, dass es möglich ist, Elementarpädagog:innen auszubilden, um sowohl die Amtssprache als auch eine Fremdsprache systematisch und produktiv in einem regulären mehrsprachigen und integrativen Kindegartenkontext zu unterrichten. Dazu liefert die langfristig angelegte Fallstudie wesentliche Erkenntnisse die auf andere Kontexte übertragbar sind. Die Publikation richtet sich an alle die im Bereich des frühen Fremdsprachenunterrichts forschen oder praktisch tätig sind.
The study addresses the question of how preschool teachers who work in regular state inclusive elementary schools can be qualified to teach English as a foreign language. For this a practice-orientated teacher education model, compatible with the context, was developed. It took place in situ (in the preschool), following a participatory action research design to promote reflective practice. The research proved that it is possible to educate teachers to be able to teach both the official language and a foreign language systematically and productively in a regular multilingual and inclusive preschool context. Through the longitudinal case study, substantial insights were gained which can be transferred to other pre-primary contexts. The publication will interest those who research and teach in the field of early foreign language teaching, particularly at elementary level.
1. Introduction
2. Relevance of introducing English in preschool
3. Contextual factors affecting the introduction of English in the multilingual inclusive state preschool
4. Research on professional language teacher education and teacher competences
5. The preschool teacher education project: researching professional development through an approach of participatory action research
6. The research approach: participatory action research and multiple case study design
7. Presenting case study results
8. Conclusions and Perspectives
Appendix 1: Materials
Appendix 2: Interview Guidelines
Appendix 3: Questionnaire
Dr. Kirsten Birsak de Jersey lehrt am Institut für Anglistik an der PH-Freiburg und unterrichtet im Elementarbereich.
The study addresses the question of how preschool teachers who work in regular state inclusive elementary schools can be qualified to teach English as a foreign language. For this a practice-orientated teacher education model, compatible with the context, was developed. It took place in situ (in the preschool), following a participatory action research design to promote reflective practice. The research proved that it is possible to educate teachers to be able to teach both the official language and a foreign language systematically and productively in a regular multilingual and inclusive preschool context. Through the longitudinal case study, substantial insights were gained which can be transferred to other pre-primary contexts. The publication will interest those who research and teach in the field of early foreign language teaching, particularly at elementary level.
1. Introduction
2. Relevance of introducing English in preschool
3. Contextual factors affecting the introduction of English in the multilingual inclusive state preschool
4. Research on professional language teacher education and teacher competences
5. The preschool teacher education project: researching professional development through an approach of participatory action research
6. The research approach: participatory action research and multiple case study design
7. Presenting case study results
8. Conclusions and Perspectives
Appendix 1: Materials
Appendix 2: Interview Guidelines
Appendix 3: Questionnaire
Dr. Kirsten Birsak de Jersey lehrt am Institut für Anglistik an der PH-Freiburg und unterrichtet im Elementarbereich.
ISBN | 978-3-8233-8500-4 |
EAN | 9783823385004 |
Bibliographie | 1. Auflage |
Seiten | 421 |
Format | kartoniert |
Ausgabename | 18500 |
Auflagenname | -11 |
Autor:in | Kirsten Birsak de Jersey |
Erscheinungsdatum | 31.05.2021 |
Lieferzeit | 2-4 Tage |