Theresa Summer, Ralf Gießler

Digital Textualities and Spaces in ELT

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The digital world opens up a vast number of spaces such as immersive virtual reality, digital book corners, and discourses marked by hashtags. In this volume, we argue that newly emerging digital spaces and textualities should play a more central role in English language education, as their multimodality and interactivity opens up manifold opportunities for engaging with different levels of meaning within the target language. Theoretical, empirical, and practice-oriented contributions offer insights into current research projects and teaching concepts.
The digital world opens up a vast number of spaces such as immersive virtual reality, digital book corners, and discourses marked by hashtags. In this volume, we argue that digital spaces and textualities should play a more central role in English language teaching and learning (ELT), emphasising their multimodal and interactive nature as a means of engaging with different layers of meaning in the target language. Digital spaces function as contact zones where readers and writers communicate, negotiate experiences, and shape collective identities. Within these spaces, digital textualities create opportunities for competence development across various language-related domains, fostering a critical engagement with texts. Bringing together theoretical insights, conceptual developments, and case studies, this volume explores the potential of digital spaces and textualities for ELT while addressing their practical implications.


Ralf Gießler & Theresa Summer
Introducing Digital Textualities and Spaces for ELT

A. Examples of Digital Textualities and Spaces

Christian Ludwig & Michaela Sambanis
TikTok for Book Lovers? – Bookfluencing in English Language Teaching

Ralf Gießler & Daniel Becker
Opening Up Digital Spaces: Towards a Progression of Hashtags as Small Texts in the EFL Classroom

Engelbert Thaler
Music Videos Revisited

Sean Holt
Exploring the Possibilities of Hypertext Fiction for English Language Education

Isabelle Sophie Thaler & Benedikt Meininger
The Digital Poetry Escape Room: Sparking Pupils’ Motivation for Poetry through a Competicooperative Environment

Theresa Summer, Valentin Werner, Regina Grund, Manfred Krug
A Survey on Songs in ELT among Pre-Service Teachers in Germany: Experiences, Attitudes, and Future Potential

B. Teacher Education

Maria Eisenmann & Jeanine Steinbock
Promoting Global Citizenship Education among Pre-Service English Teachers: Immersive Anti-Bias Training through Social Virtual Reality

Claudia Schnellbögl, Michelle Zirkel, Anna Bösendörfer, Theresa Summer
Foreign Language Teachers’ Perspectives on Global Education, Digital Media, and Extended Reality

Theresa Summer, Maria Eisenmann, Andreas Grünewald
Teacher Training Courses for Integrating AI and VR into Foreign Language Education

Editors and Contributors

Theresa Summer ist Jr.-Professorin für Fachdidaktik Englisch an der Universität Bamberg. Ihre Forschungsinteressen umfassen Perspektiven von Lernenden auf den Englischunterricht, kritische Fremdsprachendidaktik, Popkultur, Grammatikunterricht, Globales Lernen und digitale Technologien. Sie ist Mitherausgeberin zahlreicher Sammelbände sowie der Zeitschrift Englisch 5-10 und im Rahmen des DiSo-SGW Projektes Teil des Kompetenzverbundes lernen:digital (BMBF).

Ralf Gießler ist Akademischer Oberrat für Fachdidaktik Englisch an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen im Bereich der Sprach- und Mediendidaktik und umfassen u.a. Arbeiten zum digitalen Feedback beim fremdsprachlichen Schreiben sowie zur Wortschatzdidaktik und Professionsforschung
Mehr Informationen
ISBN 978-3-381-12121-2
EAN 9783381121212
Bibliographie 1. Auflage
Seiten 228
Format kartoniert
Ausgabename 1212-1
Auflagenname -11
Herausgeber:in Theresa Summer, Ralf Gießler
Erscheinungsdatum 31.03.2025
Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage