Ralf Hafner, Veit Wohlgemuth

Corporate Valuation

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This textbook provides readers with an interesting overview of the field of corporate valuation in a quick and easy way. For the second edition, the authors have added a new 9th chapter devoted to valuations and the use of argumentation values in negotiation situations. The book includes a number of self-test questions with answers.

The contents: Introduction / Discounted Cash Flow Valuation (DCF Valuation) / Comparable Companies Analysis / Precedent Transactions Analysis / Further Valuation Methods / From Enterprise Value to Equity Value / The Tension between Principals, Evaluators, Objectives and Leeway in Corporate Valuations / Value and Price – a Tangent on Valuation Theory / Argumentation Values in Negotiation / Self-Test Questions – Proposal for Solutions.
This textbook provides readers with an interesting overview of the field of corporate valuation in a quick and easy way. For the second edition, the authors have added a new 9th chapter devoted to valuations and the use of argumentation values in negotiation situations. The book includes a number of self-test questions with answers.

The contents: Introduction / Discounted Cash Flow Valuation (DCF Valuation) / Comparable Companies Analysis / Precedent Transactions Analysis / Further Valuation Methods / From Enterprise Value to Equity Value / The Tension between Principals, Evaluators, Objectives and Leeway in Corporate Valuations / Value and Price – a Tangent on Valuation Theory / Argumentation Values in Negotiation / Self-Test Questions – Proposal for Solutions.

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hafner has been Professor of International Business with a focus on Finance & Accounting at the HTW Berlin since 2013. Prior to that, he worked for 25 years as an M&A consultant in leading positions at various consulting firms and investment banks.

Prof. Dr. Veit Wohlgemuth is Professor of Business Administration with a focus on Corporate Finance. He has been teaching at the HTW Berlin since 2014 in various programs that offer specialized classes for corporate valuations.
Mehr Informationen
ISBN 978-3-381-13531-8
EAN 9783381135318
Bibliographie 2nd Edition
Seiten 130
Format kartoniert
Ausgabename 1353-1
Auflagenname -11
Autor:in Ralf Hafner, Veit Wohlgemuth
Erscheinungsdatum 17.03.2025
Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage
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