Wieland Schwanebeck
Comedy on Stage and Screen
An Introduction
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This book provides readers with a detailed and accessible introduction to the genre of comedy. It chronicles the history of comedy from the ancients to the present day, addressing key chapters in Anglophone literary history, such as Shakespearean comedy, Restoration comedy, and Theatre of the Absurd. The book summarises key comic techniques (including slapstick, puns, and running gags) and the most important theoretical accounts of laughter. Moreover, current scholarly discussions revolving around awkwardness, cringe humour, and funny women are addressed
in detail. Over the course of its 14 chapters, Comedy on Stage and Screen connects traditional comic tropes (like the fool or the marriage plot) to plenty of classic and up-to-date examples.
in detail. Over the course of its 14 chapters, Comedy on Stage and Screen connects traditional comic tropes (like the fool or the marriage plot) to plenty of classic and up-to-date examples.
This book introduces readers to the genre of comedy, both on the stage and on the screen. It chronicles the history of comedy, starting with Ancient Greece, before summarising key chapters in Anglophone literary history, such as Shakespearean comedy, Restoration comedy, and Theatre of the Absurd. The book features an overview of key comic techniques (including slapstick, puns, and wit), as well as concise summaries of major theoretical debates (including the superiority theory and the Freudian account of laughter). The book works with many examples from the history of Anglophone comedy, including Oscar Wilde, Monty Python, and classic sitcoms. It addresses current research into cringe humour and the controversial topic of diversity in the field of comedy, and it connects classical tropes of comedy (like the fool or the marriage plot) to present-day examples. The book thus serves as an up-to-date study guide for everyone interested in comedy and its various subgenres.
Chapter 1: Introduction: “Tragedy Tomorrow – Comedy Tonight”
Chapter 2: Ancient forerunners
Chapter 3: Why so serious?
Chapter 4: So Shakespearean, so romantic!
Chapter 5: Life as a carnival
Chapter 6: Raunchy Restoration
Chapter 7: The comedy of manners
Chapter 8: But this is absurd!
Chapter 9: And now for something completely grotesque
Chapter 10: The more, the merrier
Chapter 11: What a farce!
Chapter 12: Stop that, it’s silly!
Chapter 13: So funny it hurts
Chapter 14: Comedy at the crossroads
Wieland Schwanebeck is a researcher in literary/cultural studies. His interests include impostors, twins, James Bond, and comedy.
Chapter 1: Introduction: “Tragedy Tomorrow – Comedy Tonight”
Chapter 2: Ancient forerunners
Chapter 3: Why so serious?
Chapter 4: So Shakespearean, so romantic!
Chapter 5: Life as a carnival
Chapter 6: Raunchy Restoration
Chapter 7: The comedy of manners
Chapter 8: But this is absurd!
Chapter 9: And now for something completely grotesque
Chapter 10: The more, the merrier
Chapter 11: What a farce!
Chapter 12: Stop that, it’s silly!
Chapter 13: So funny it hurts
Chapter 14: Comedy at the crossroads
Wieland Schwanebeck is a researcher in literary/cultural studies. His interests include impostors, twins, James Bond, and comedy.
ISBN | 978-3-8233-8533-2 |
EAN | 9783823385332 |
Bibliographie | 1. Auflage |
Seiten | 239 |
Format | kartoniert |
Ausgabename | 18533 |
Auflagenname | -11 |
Autor:in | Wieland Schwanebeck |
Erscheinungsdatum | 26.09.2022 |
Lieferzeit | 2-4 Tage |
„bereitet [...] wichtige Konzepte der Humor- und Komikforschung mit kurzen Erläuterungen, zahlreichen Infokästen und vielen Beispielen benutzerfreundlich auf.“
literaturkritik.de / 23.01.23
„To sum up, Comedy on Stage and Screen is a readable and entertaining book whose style and attitude will probably appeal to students, its primary audience.“
Anglistik: International Journal of English StudiesVol. 35.2 (2024) / 07.10.22
„Hier wurden zwei anregende Bande vorgelegt, die hoffentlich der deutschen Komikforschung weiteren Auftrieb geben werden.“
MEDIENwissenschaft 04/2023 / 27.09.22