Harald Höbusch, Rebeccah Dawson


Themenheft: German Identity and History through the Lens of Football
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Themenheft: German Identity and History through the Lens of Football
Gastherausgeber: Oliver Knabe

Oliver Knabe: Introduction: German Football, History, and Identity

Rebeccah Dawson: The First German Football Film. Zoltan Korda’s "Die elf Teufel" and the Cultural Transgressions of the late Weimar Republic

Oliver Knabe: Revisiting a Children’s Classic: The Silent Third Reich in Sammy Drechsel’s "Elf Freunde müßt ihr sein" (1955)

Alex Holznienkemper: Glocal yet National–German Soccer Culture, Identity, and Vereinsgeschichte

Sabine Waas: Celebrity and Athlete? Depictions of German Soccer Star Jérôme Boateng in Mass Media

Kate Zambon: Unruly Boys and Unemancipated Girls: Football Integration and Gendered Imaginaries of Difference
eBook (ePDF)
Themenheft: German Identity and History through the Lens of Football
Gastherausgeber: Oliver Knabe

Oliver Knabe: Introduction: German Football, History, and Identity

Rebeccah Dawson: The First German Football Film. Zoltan Korda’s "Die elf Teufel" and the Cultural Transgressions of the late Weimar Republic

Oliver Knabe: Revisiting a Children’s Classic: The Silent Third Reich in Sammy Drechsel’s "Elf Freunde müßt ihr sein" (1955)

Alex Holznienkemper: Glocal yet National–German Soccer Culture, Identity, and Vereinsgeschichte

Sabine Waas: Celebrity and Athlete? Depictions of German Soccer Star Jérôme Boateng in Mass Media

Kate Zambon: Unruly Boys and Unemancipated Girls: Football Integration and Gendered Imaginaries of Difference
Mehr Informationen
Ausgabenart eBook (ePDF)
ISBN 978-3-381-12332-2
EAN 9783381123322
Bibliographie 1. Auflage
Format eBook PDF
Ausgabename 1233-2
Autor:in Harald Höbusch, Rebeccah Dawson
Erscheinungsdatum 15.07.2024